Four Natama departments

1  Department for applicants for adoption and fostering

Natama provides information, training and assessment for people who want to foster or adopt a child.  We help find a good match between children and prospective foster or adoptive families and assist with legal and family issues in the fostering and adoption process. We provide extensive training, assessment and psychological testing for persons seeking to become officially-recognized foster or adoptive parents. Our applicants training and assessment is recognized by regional childcare offices which are legally responsible for approval of future adoptive and foster parents.

We provide training and assessment in Czech and English. Are you interested in adoption or fostering? Do you need to complete a compulsory training and assessment? Contact us and book a consultancy appointment with a specialist in English: 222 715 921 nebo 608 118 100

2  Department for family and child issues - consultations, treatment and therapy

Family and child

Natama provides consultation, assessment and therapy for families with a child who has problems related to a difficult history. The history may include abuse, neglect, abandonment, hospitalization, placement in institutional care, loss or a difficult divorce by parents. Problems may include difficulty with relationships, behavior problems and frequent sadness, fears, worry and anger. Diagnoses often include Complex Developmental Trauma and Attachment Disorder. Our services include counseling with parents, therapy with parents and children, a parents' group for teaching, discussion and support, a 24-hour help line for urgent problems, individual therapy for parents and training in therapeutic parenting of children.


Natama offers individual consultations, treatment and social therapy for adults who have difficulties related to a history of adoption, placement in foster care or childcare institutions, growing up in a dysfunctional family and/or a history of trauma. 

Are you interested in seeing a consultant or family therapist? Contact us and book a consultancy appointment with a specialist in English: 222 715 921 nebo 608 118 100

3  Department for fostering support

Natama is a licensed institute which provides ongoing support, education and supervision to foster families with contracts for fostering provision. Are you interested? Contact us and book an appointment with a specialist in English: 222 715 921 nebo 608 118 100

4  Department for education, training and publication

Natama provides training, consultation and information for professionals. We offer seminars and ongoing training groups in Attachment-Focused Therapy and Pesso-Boyden System Psychomotor. We have an open group (ASTRA) for professionals interested in training and sharing information and expertise on the treatment of Attachment Disorders and Complex Developmental Trauma. Natama organizes annual conferences with international experts on developmental psychology, neurobiology, family development, psychotherapy and treatment.

See further information on our web site

Contact us!

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